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Hydraulic Fluid Contamination During Production

Typically, newly produced hydraulic fluid has an ISO 4406 Cleanliness Code ranging from 17/16/14 to 20/18/16. While this may exceed the standard recommendations of many equipment manufacturers, experts believe that even these cleanliness levels fall short for modern Car Lift For Sale hydraulic systems.

Contamination can arise during the hydraulic fluid production process due to factory practices. Factories might inadvertently introduce contaminants during processing, and inadequate control over hydraulic fluid storage further exacerbates the issue. Therefore, it is crucial to filter all fluids entering a system, as even new batches of hydraulic fluid can be contaminated.

Hydraulic Fluid Contamination During Storage

Storage conditions can be problematic for hydraulic fluids. Moisture can infiltrate sealed and supposedly waterproof plastic containers through a process known as “breathing,” which occurs when containers are exposed to temperature fluctuations, such as direct sunlight. Though moisture contamination is not always visible, it can still negatively impact the hydraulic system’s performance.

Contamination risks increase if containers are not sealed properly or are left open, allowing dust and moisture to enter. To mitigate storage-related contamination, store fluids at a controlled temperature, ensure containers are tightly sealed, and position them on their sides.

Contamination During Fluid Transfer

During transfer and handling, fluids exposed to air risk absorbing moisture and becoming contaminated with dust and other particles. If the working environment and equipment are not clean, contamination is likely. Additionally, neglecting to flush the system before adding new fluid can worsen contamination, as mixing different fluids can lead to chemical reactions and further contamination.

To minimize contamination during transfer, follow these steps:

– Avoid opening fluid containers in unclean areas.

– Close fluid container lids promptly to prevent contamination.

– Filter Car Lift For Sale hydraulic fluids before introducing them into the system.

Contamination During Manufacturing

Surprisingly, contamination can occur during the Car Lift For Sale hydraulic system’s manufacturing process. For example, small particles from sealing tape, residual grease or lubricants, or leftover casting sand can introduce contaminants into the system.

To prevent built-in contamination, use filters appropriately, change them regularly, and handle them carefully during installation.

Contamination During Service

Contamination during service can occur when fluid is exposed to elevated temperatures. Hydraulic fluid naturally degrades over time, so regular fluid changes are recommended. Contamination can also result from exposure to air and moisture. Even seals, which may not be leaking, can introduce tiny particles into the system, relying on internal filters to capture them.

Components like bearings or seals can generate contamination, releasing tiny particles into the fluid. If contamination is suspected, flush the system, add new filtered Car Lift For Sale hydraulic fluid, and reduce unwanted air and moisture with air breathers, vacuum breakers, or vacuum reservoirs. Replace seals as recommended or if leaks are suspected, and change filters regularly.

Contamination During Maintenance

Maintenance is a common source of hydraulic fluid contamination. To prevent this, keep components clean using lint-free cloths, cap hoses and plug ports immediately after opening, handle hoses and fittings with care, and avoid removing seals and filters from their packaging until installation.

Even sealed systems can accumulate contaminants, so it’s essential to manage contamination proactively.

Types of Contaminants

Hydraulic system contamination can be categorized into particle or chemical contaminants. Contaminants can cause rust, accelerated wear, orifices blockage, additive depletion, and oil degradation.

Chemical Contaminants

– Water: Moisture affects hydraulic oil’s properties, causing cloudiness when saturation is exceeded and leading to rust, corrosion, and other chemical reactions.

– Rust: Results from excessive water and causes corrosion and reduced lubrication, potentially jamming components or causing chemical reactions.

– Air: Air in Car Lift For Sale hydraulic fluids can cause control loss, pump damage, or boiling of oil if undissolved. Dissolved air is generally less problematic.

– Heat: Excessive heat can lead to additive depletion and chemical changes in the fluid.

Particle Contaminants

Particles, measured in micrometers, include:

– Metal from machining processes.

– Wood from packing materials.

– Sand from casting or blasting.

– Resin from cutting fluids.

– Rubber from hoses and seals.

– Plastic from tools and packaging.

– Fibers from fabrics and paper.

– Paint from coatings.

– Rust from corrosion.

Industries now adhere to the ISO 4406 Cleanliness Standard to address these issues.

Proactive Maintenance in Three Easy Steps

Cleaner oil prolongs machine life by minimizing the harmful effects of contaminants. Achieve cleanliness targets through these steps:

1. Set the Oil Cleanliness Target: Define cleanliness targets using standards like ISO 4406 or NAS 7, reflecting your reliability objectives.

2. Take Action to Achieve Targets: Implement measures to reduce ingression and improve filtration, combining both for critical applications.

3. Measure Contaminant Levels Frequently: Regular oil analysis helps monitor contamination levels and supports a sustainable cleanliness program. Contamination data provides insights and validates proactive measures.

Fluid Power: The Lifeblood of Car Lift For Sale Hydraulics

Hydraulic fluid is undeniably the lifeblood of hydraulic systems. Maintaining hydraulic cleanliness and ensuring contaminant-free fluids are crucial for preventing damage and extending the lifespan of these systems. Advanced filter materials in new filter elements are reducing operating costs by enhancing service life.

For future filter replacements, users should compare the technical specifications of filter elements from various suppliers. Regardless of the filter housing manufacturer, adopting the latest filter media can lead to substantial reductions in operating costs.

Car Lift For Sale hydraulic industry is evolving to incorporate new applications alongside existing technologies, aiming to produce more effective solutions in the years ahead. Advances in technology are expected to address current industry challenges by providing cost-effective solutions. We anticipate that fluid power will be utilized in innovative ways, becoming more affordable and easier to maintain. As technology advances, hydraulic systems will benefit from improved reliability.

The hydraulic industry has made considerable progress recently. Many countries now recognize fluid power as a key energy source and are adopting hydraulic technology to enhance efficiency and environmental protection. As the industry continues to evolve proactively, we look forward to seeing what the future holds.

Gravimetric Analysis in Hydraulic Cylinder Manufacturing

In our previous blog post, we discussed the assembly of hydraulic cylinders and highlighted the critical importance of cleanliness throughout the production process. Cleanliness can be monitored using various methods, and in this post, we will focus on gravimetric analysis.

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