When you flip through the television guide, you often encounter programs like “Top 10 Beaches in the World,” “Top 20 Worst Celebrity Bodies,” or “Top 100 Hits of the ’80s.” Similarly, to keep pace with the times, this article will highlight the five most prevalent hydraulic errors that plants repeatedly make. This cycle mirrors the well-known definition of insanity: doing the same thing repeatedly while expecting different outcomes. Here are the top five mistakes:
Mistake #1: Incorrect Hydraulic Pressure Settings
Car Lift Repair Orlando Hydraulic systems feature numerous adjustments. When a machine issue arises, operators often tweak knobs on hydraulic pumps and valves without understanding the potential impact on the machine’s performance. Typically, hydraulic pressures are set too high under the misconception that higher pressure equals faster operation. A real-world example illustrates this: a wood products plant faced severe shock and leakage problems due to improperly set pressure settings on a piece of mobile equipment. Resetting the pressure settings as per recommendations not only eliminated shock but also extended the pump’s lifespan and halted leakage.
Mistake #2: Neglecting Accumulator and Hydraulic Safety Measures
During Car Lift Repair Orlando machine repairs, safety procedures such as lockout/tagout are implemented, but the pressure gauge is seldom checked before commencing work. Accumulators store hydraulic energy, but their automatic dump valves can fail, leading to hazardous situations. Lack of proper procedures, as illustrated by an incident where a young millwright was injured due to a manual dump valve oversight, underscores the importance of stringent safety protocols.
Mistake #3: Inadequate Troubleshooting Practices
Quick and effective troubleshooting relies on Car Lift Repair Orlando hydraulic schematics, yet many maintenance personnel face obstacles accessing or understanding them. Rushed troubleshooting or bypassing procedures can lead to catastrophic outcomes, as evidenced by an incident where a supervisor’s directive resulted in an accumulator discharging forcefully, causing extensive damage and downtime.
Mistake #4: Subpar Hydraulic Reservoir and Oil Maintenance
While filter maintenance is typically prioritized, reservoirs often go neglected. Failure to clean reservoirs annually can lead to heat retention and the formation of sludge, as demonstrated by a case where a 17-year-old sludge layer was discovered. Neglecting components like suction strainers can lead to pump cavitation and repeated component failures, highlighting the importance of regular maintenance and using filtered oil to preserve system integrity.
Mistake #5: Inconsistent Component Replacements
In the event of a Car Lift Repair Orlando hydraulic issue, typically one component fails. It’s crucial to ensure that the part numbers of replacement components match those of the originals. Even seemingly identical hydraulic pumps and valves may differ in critical aspects. Each digit or letter in a part number signifies specific features of the component. Any variance in these identifiers warrants consultation with the manufacturer’s documentation to ascertain the disparities.
A plant encountered a situation where the main directional valve of its tilt hoist failed. The original valve bore the part number DG5S8-2C-T-50. A local vendor offered a valve with a matching spool configuration and mounting pattern, with the part number DG5S8-2C-E-T-50, flown in and delivered promptly.
Upon installation, however, the tilt hoist cylinders remained unresponsive. Comparison of the two part numbers revealed a critical difference: the original valve (missing the letter “E”) was internally hydraulically piloted and drained, while the replacement was externally piloted and internally drained. As the system lacked an external pilot line, the new valve proved incompatible.
To resolve the issue, the valve manufacturer instructed the plant mechanic to transfer the internal plug from the “P” port to the “X” port. This adjustment enabled normal operation but entailed 18 hours of downtime.
These common errors stem mainly from a lack of understanding. When a machine malfunctions, the imperative to restore it swiftly often leads supervisors, mechanics, or electricians to expedient measures. Preventing these top five mistakes in your plant can minimize downtime, enhance operational safety, and streamline hydraulic troubleshooting processes.
I was recently inquired about the process of flushing hydraulic systems to transition from one type of fluid to another. Various suggestions were put forward, including the use of brake cleaner, diesel fuel, or certain acid-based cleaning agents.
However, it’s crucial to recognize that brake cleaner contains chemicals like acetone and tetrachloroethylene, known to pose compatibility issues with seals made of nitrile, neoprene, millable polyurethane, and silicone. Additionally, seals made of ethylene-propylene (EPDM) exhibit poor resistance to petroleum oil and solvents, making them unsuitable for exposure to aromatic hydrocarbons or diesel oil.
Depending on the composition of O-rings and seals in your Car Lift Repair Orlando hydraulic system, the solvents present in brake cleaner and diesel fuel may lead to drying out or damaging these components. Moreover, ensuring compatibility with the newly selected fluid is another critical consideration.
For these reasons, it’s imperative to either grasp the flushing process thoroughly or engage an experienced oil flushing service provider to ensure the task is executed correctly.
In his article “Cleaning and Flushing Basics for Hydraulic Systems and Similar Machines” on Machinery Lubrication, Tom Odden delineates a comprehensive procedure for effectively cleaning hydraulic systems, representing a universally applicable solution and an exemplar of best practices. This approach involves both mechanical and chemical cleaning of system components.
According to a recent poll on machinerylubrication.com, 28% of lubrication professionals cite mechanical cleaning as the most frequently employed flushing method at their plants.
Step 1:
Drain the system entirely while the fluid is at operating temperature, ensuring all areas, including the reservoir, lines, cylinders, accumulators, and filter housings, are emptied. Replace filters as needed.
Step 2:
Thoroughly clean the Car Lift Repair Orlando reservoir using a lint-free cloth to remove any sludge or deposits, ensuring the surface is free of loose paint.
Step 3:
Flush the Car Lift Repair Orlando system with a lower viscosity fluid similar to the one to be used, maintaining a Reynolds number between 2,000 and 4,000 to generate sufficient turbulence for particle removal. Continue flushing until achieving cleanliness levels one step beyond the system’s target specifications.
Step 4:
Drain the flushing fluid rapidly at an elevated temperature, replace filters, and inspect/clean the reservoir once more.
Step 5:
Fill the system to approximately 75% capacity with the new fluid, bleed/vent the pump, and run the pump intermittently to prime it.
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