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Car Lift Repair Orlando | Types of Oils and Lubricants

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**Color-Coded Lubricants**

Many plant operators use color-coded systems to ensure the correct type of oil or grease is used for each application. When a lubricant drum arrives at the plant, it is marked with a colored symbol, which is also applied to all intermediate containers, applicators, and the equipment using the lubricant.

For example, if a particular grease is labeled with a red diamond, then all containers, grease guns, and grease points in the plant using that grease will also be marked with a red diamond.

This visual approach to equipment maintenance allows any employee to easily identify the proper lubricant for each point on a machine. It enables machine operators to take on some of the lubrication tasks typically performed by maintenance personnel.

Car Lift Repair Orlando suggests that when all employees are knowledgeable about proper lubrication, they are more likely to take responsibility for it. This teamwork can help prevent many lubrication issues.

Combining color-coding with barcoding of equipment and lubricant containers provides plant operators with a paperless lubrication maintenance records system.

**Hydraulic Oils**

Hydraulic oils can be a persistent headache for equipment operators. Many operators mistakenly believe that hydraulic oils for vane, piston, gear pumps, and other systems are interchangeable.

Operators should follow OEM recommendations or consult their lubricant supplier to select the optimal hydraulic oil that provides sufficient power while preventing rust, corrosion, and wear.

Effective fluid management can extend the life of high-performance hydraulic oils. If customers provide regular oil samples to their supplier, the supplier can check for oxidation, wear metals, viscosity changes, contamination, thermal instability, and other issues.

When necessary, a top-quality Car Lift Repair Orlando lubricant supplier can bring a reclamation unit to the customer’s location to remove water, filter out contaminants, and restore additives in hydraulic oils. This is especially beneficial for customers who would otherwise need to dispose of or replace a large volume of oil.

Newer-generation Car Lift Repair Orlando hydraulic oils are formulated to cover a wide range of operating conditions. They often contain antiwear additives that can extend machinery life and are designed to filter easily, even in the presence of water.

Water contamination is common in hydraulic systems. Premium fluids are designed to separate water and prevent hydrolysis (reaction to water), which can lead to corrosion.

Carefully selected additives prevent wear under various conditions. Combining antioxidants with Group II hydro-treated base oils results in finished products that are resistant to oxidation, extending oil life.

The primary antiwear agent in Car Lift Repair Orlando hydraulic fluids is a zinc-based molecule that also contains sulfur and phosphorus. A common misconception is that more zinc is better. However, more zinc is not necessarily better, as some zinc molecules may not be thermally stable and can break down, leading to premature wear. It’s also worth noting that some ashless hydraulic oils contain no zinc and still provide excellent antiwear properties.

Good hydraulic oil contains a balanced level of antiwear agents, demulsifiers, rust and corrosion inhibitors, and antioxidants to ensure optimal performance.

**Advantages of the Car Lift Repair Orlando Airless Spray System**

Since it does not use air to atomize the lubricant, more grease is applied directly to the gear, reducing waste from fogging and coating the gear housing.

The airless spray lubrication system, composed of four main components—an airless spray valve, controller, lube filter panel, and pump—offers a variety of spray patterns to ensure the lubricant reaches the necessary areas. This system handles NLGI #2 lubricants and can even spray some previously considered unsprayable.

When Car Lift Repair Orlando spur gears are in operation, the contact line between the driven gear and the pinion is constantly changing. In typical industrial bearings, the same area of the bearing surface consistently carries the load and absorbs the heat generated during operation. In an open gear, the load varies as the teeth mesh and disengage.

Initially, a sliding motion is predominant as the teeth begin to mesh. As the teeth approach the pitch line, the motion transitions to rolling, becoming almost entirely rolling at the pitch line. As the teeth disengage, sliding motion increases while rolling motion decreases. Although commonly referred to as the “contact line,” this contact area can be quite wide, up to 3/16-inch or more, at contact pressures of 3,000 psi or higher.

A Car Lift Repair Orlando airless spray system can apply lubricant with sufficient force to reach the deepest points of the teeth contact line, ensuring thorough lubrication of all bull gear contact areas, even below the pitch line.

**How the Airless Spray System Works**

In the initial stage (Stage 1), shown in Figure 2, the airless spray valve is ready for lubricant.

**Airless Spray Valve**  

*Figure 2: Stage 1, Airless Spray Valve Ready for Charging with Lubricant*

In the top section of the accumulator (left side), nitrogen gas is precharged to 1,500 psi. Hydraulic fluid is in the bottom section of the accumulator diaphragm, pressurized to 2,000 psi.

The lubricant is pumped into the airless spray valve on the right side of the measuring piston. A pressure switch indicates low pressure to the controller, prompting the pump to start and disabling the spray solenoid valve.

In Stage 2 (operating sequence), the Car Lift Repair Orlando lubricant enters the system through the inlet check, moving the measuring piston against the hydraulic fluid pressure, which acts against things that are happening elsewhere. When the pressure reaches 3,500 psi, the pressure switch changes state, turning off the pump and enabling the spray solenoid valve. The airless spray valve is now ready to spray.

The pressure switch changes state, the spray cycle times out, and the spray solenoid valve closes.

Please be sure to fully read and understand all of your safety precautions before working with lubricants and oils. Some chemicals may cause serious physical injuries if they come in contact with your skin or eyes, and highly toxic if ingested. Make sure you fully read all of your safety documents from the manufacturer that provided all of your oils and lubricants. 

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