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Car Lift Repair Tampa Florida | Hydraulic Oil Longevity

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The current oil price seems to be defying expectations, but for most people, the rising cost of gas and diesel is what’s really pinching their wallets. However, regardless of the fluctuations, minimizing hydraulic oil usage is a smart move. So, how can you make your hydraulic oil last longer? Here are four tips:

1. Prevent Leaks:

Address those slow hydraulic leaks promptly. Every day, week, and month they go unfixed, they’re costing you more, especially with the current oil price trends. While leaks have always been costly, ignoring them is becoming increasingly economically unwise.

2. Control Temperature:

Maintaining stable operating temperatures is crucial for extending oil life. According to Arrhenius’s Law, a mere 10-degree Celsius increase doubles the rate of reaction. This affects oxidation (due to air presence) and hydrolysis (due to water presence) – the hotter the oil, the faster these reactions occur, exponentially so.

3. Minimize Moisture:

Water has adverse effects on oil, compromising its additive package chemically, such as destabilizing antiwear additives like ZDDP. Keeping oil dry is essential for prolonging its life.

4. Ensure Cleanliness:

In the realm of hydraulic oil, cleanliness is paramount. Particle contamination accelerates oxidation and hydrolysis rates, with certain wear metals acting as catalysts. Moreover, particles can deplete additives when captured in the system’s filters.

Car Lift Repair Tampa Florida Hydraulic fluid shoulders a significant array of responsibilities. It serves as a power transmission device, a lubricant, a medium for heat transfer, and in some instances, even as a sealant for certain hydraulic components. This multifaceted role underscores why I deem hydraulic fluid as the cornerstone of a hydraulic system, far surpassing mere price considerations in its procurement.

Irrespective of whether the chosen hydraulic fluid is synthetic, high VI, ashless, zinc-free, or any other variant available today, optimal performance hinges on collaboration with other components. Foremost among these collaborators, and arguably the hydraulic fluid’s staunchest ally, is the reservoir or tank.

The Importance of Size

Historically, recommended tank sizes for mineral hydraulic oil have adhered to a formula of 3 to 5 times Q plus a 10 percent air cushion, where Q represents pump flow per minute, or mean pump flow per minute in the case of variable pumps. For specialized fluids like HFC and HFD, even larger tank volumes of 5 to 8 times Q are advised.

It’s crucial to recognize that these formulas weren’t devised to merely promote oil sales or escalate spill risks. Rather, they were crafted with paramount consideration for hydraulic system performance and reliability.

However, in the current landscape, marked by a burgeoning demand for lighter, more compact hydraulic equipment, particularly in mobile applications, tank oil volumes of such magnitude are increasingly relegated to antiquity.

If the inadequate volume of tank oil impacts Car Lift Repair Tampa Florida hydraulic system performance and reliability, it logically follows that suboptimal tank volume compromises the effectiveness of the hydraulic fluid. To comprehend how this occurs, it is imperative to delve into the traditional roles of the hydraulic tank beyond its basic function of fluid storage, and assess the extent to which these functions can be delegated to other components within the hydraulic system.

In practical terms, the heat dissipation capacity of even a sizable Car Lift Repair Tampa Florida tank is comparatively minimal, making this function easily and more effectively delegated to a heat exchanger. Similarly, regarding contamination control, the tank’s role in sedimentation of particles and water can largely be delegated to the hydraulic system’s filters.

However, there remains a crucial function of the tank for which there exists no apparent substitute apart from sufficient oil volume, and consequently, dwell time. This function pertains to the release of entrained air.

The presence of air entrapped in hydraulic fluid impacts the hydraulic system’s performance and reliability in various ways, including:

I’ve encountered numerous instances suggesting that cutting corners on tank volume compromises the reliability of Car Lift Repair Tampa Florida hydraulic systems. For instance, consider a hydraulic excavator manufacturer that, upon augmenting tank size and enhancing cooling capacity, witnessed a remarkable surge in typical pump lifespan from 12,000 to 20,000 hours! This underscores the crucial point that no matter how superior the hydraulic fluid may be, it relies on support from its accompanying components.

Shape Plays a Role Too

In the context of expelling entrapped air from the fluid, tank volume, and thus dwell time, holds significant importance. Equally vital is the construction of the tank itself.

Car Lift Repair Tampa Florida depicts the optimal tank configuration for air release. Here, a longitudinal baffle divides the return flow from the pump intake. The return fluid traverses the entire tank length twice, passing through a diffuser designed to capture and release air bubbles before re-entering the pump intake.

Additionally, note the angled bottom plate in the tank design of Illustration 1, facilitating efficient drainage of settled contaminants like water and dirt.

Give Your Car Lift Repair Tampa Florida Allies a Boost

For those involved in designing or constructing hydraulic equipment, prioritizing tank volume and investing in robust tank construction is paramount for ensuring reliability.

Conversely, for individuals engaged in servicing and maintaining Car Lift Repair Tampa Florida hydraulic equipment, rectifying installed tank volume shortcomings might be economically challenging. Nonetheless, specifying minimum required tank volume when procuring new equipment can mitigate potential issues.

It’s noteworthy that regardless of the chosen unit system, the numerical value representing a substance’s specific heat remains constant. Furthermore, all substances are measured relative to the specific heat of water, which, as previously indicated, is 1. For instance, oil typically exhibits a specific heat of 0.51. This implies that it requires only 51% of the heat to raise the temperature of oil compared to an equivalent quantity of water.

Based solely on this property, water may seem to be a superior hydraulic fluid compared to oil, as it necessitates twice the amount of heat to raise the temperature of water to the same level. However, specific heat operates in both directions. Consequently, once water reaches a certain temperature, twice as much heat must be extracted to lower the temperature of the same quantity by the same degree, in comparison to oil.

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